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Cattleya Orchid

Cattleya Orchid

Cattleya are what most people think of when they hear the word 'orchid'. Producing large and fragrant flowers with vibrant colors.

Cattleya are a popular choice for beginners and experts alike! These plants are very sturdy and can take a lot of abuse from those who tend to forget to water.


The plant currently do not bloom yet, please give them few weeks to months to grow flower buds. 


  • Additional Info

     Growing in an east window is ideal, as the early morning sun is very important. However, a south window will also be suitable, so long as the plant is provided with light shading from the middle of February to the end of October using a sheer curtain.

    Cattleya should be watered when the potting medium feels dry almost to the bottom of the pot. This generally occurs every week or so from the previous watering.

    When repotting your Cattleya during the active growing season, do not water the media for at least 7 days. This allows cuts and breaks in the roots to callous and avoid rotting upon being watered.

PriceFrom C$58.00

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