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Introducing our Sweet Blush Hand Tie Bouquet, a delicate and charming bouquet that's perfect for any occasion. This stunning bouquet features a lovely blend of soft blush pink, peachy, light lavender,  creamy white and delicate green flowers etc, creating a truly enchanting floral arrangement.


The Sweet Blush Hand Tie Bouquet includes a mix of premium pastel color blooms, expertly arranged into a beautifully crafted hand-tied bouquet. 


This elegant and feminine bouquet is presented in a stylish wrapping, finished with a coordinating  ribbon, adding a touch of luxury to this already exquisite arrangement. 

  • Delivery Charge

    Delivery fee calculated at check out. Please make sure you check the first three characters of your postal code at check out to get the rate. 

  • About Design

    At our shop, each bouquet is a masterpiece in its own right, crafted with creativity and spontaneity. While we may not replicate the exact arrangement pictured on our website, rest assured, what you receive will be a delightful surprise of equal value, inspired by the essence of your preferences.

PriceFrom C$75.00

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