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Monstera Thai Constellation 4"

Monstera Thai Constellation 4"

Monstera Thai Constellation is a highly sought-after and visually striking cultivar known for its unique variegated foliage. A member of the Monstera family, this plant features large, heart-shaped leaves splashed with creamy-white patterns that resemble constellations, giving it a celestial and elegant appearance.
Originating from Thailand, the Thai Constellation Monstera is prized for its eye-catching aesthetics. It thrives in well-draining soil and prefers bright, indirect light. Due to its popularity, it's often considered a collector's item among plant enthusiasts.
With its remarkable variegation, the Monstera Thai Constellation adds a touch of sophistication to indoor spaces. While caring for it requires attention to its light and water needs, the reward is a stunning and unique plant that stands out as a focal point in any plant collection.

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